What is Ideal Protein?

Reset BODY. Reset MIND. Reset POSSIBLE.

Ideal Protein Phases

Ideal Protein is a doctor-designed, Ketogenic Weight Loss Protocol that treats weight loss as healthcare and uses food as medicine to empower you to lose weight and live your best, healthiest life for the rest of your life. Expert guidance from your very own personal coach keeps you motivated. While the huge variety of delicious Ideal Protein food and tons of other fresh, lean, healthy meals and snacks you get to choose from keep you satisfied on your journey to your new healthy weight and beyond.

It's time to take your health back!

Phase 1: Weight Loss

The Weight Loss Phase is specifically designed to promote fat loss by inducing ketosis, a natural state in which the body uses stored fat as its primary energy source by limiting carbohydrate intake. You will continue in Phase 1 until your desired weight loss goal is achieved.

Phase 2: Stabilization

In Phase 2, we gradually reintroduce carbohydrates and healthy fats. This helps curb hunger, boost energy levels, and satisfy cravings.

Your coach will closely monitor your body's physical and emotional responses, allowing us to determine your personalized Macro Code. This represents the ideal balance of protein, fat, and net carbs servings tailored to maintain weight and support long-term success

Phase 3: Maintenance

In these 12 months, Phase 3 empowers you to take control and set the guidelines for maintaining your weight within a 5-pound range. Throughout this journey, your coach will remain by your side, providing ongoing support and guidance on various aspects.