Ideal Services

What do we offer?

Ideal Protein Protocol

Reset your body to burn fat and Power Life Possible with the Ideal Protein 3-Phase Weight Loss

Learn more

Virtual Coaching

Ideal Protein of Chester has been offering virtual consultations since 2016.  Between busy schedules, increased traveling and clients in rural areas, we understand that finding a qualified coach to help you on your journey can be a challenge. Identical to our in-person option, our virtual coaching provides our clients with a qualified coach who will not only guide you, but will have your back during all phases of the Ideal Protein protocol.

Ask about our Virtual Coaching options today!

Get in touch

InBody Scans

What does your weight really represent? When you step on a scale, you can’t see how much muscle or fat you have—all you see is a number with no context. Go beyond the scale with an InBody full body scan, a non-invasive, quick, and accurate body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water.

Your comprehensive yet easy-to-understand measurements will display on an InBody Results Sheet in less than 5 minutes. No more pinching. No more dunking. Get results you can trust so you can reach your health and fitness goals with precision and actionable objectives.

Note:  All our in-person Ideal Protein Clients receive a free, monthly InBody Scan.

Ready to take the next step with an InBody Scan?   

Schedule an Appointment Today!